ARWEN Coconata Garden
Mithril is like a cherished part of my soul—a spirited and adventurous companion, always ready for new experiences. She embodies bravery and love, fulfilling the image of my dream dog. Training her is a joy, as she’s not only incredibly easy to train but also resilient. Like many border collies, she acts first and thinks later, but setbacks never dampen her spirit—she bounces back, eager to try again.
While I initially brought Mithril into my life for obedience training, she's proven to excel in everything she puts her paws to. She's aced smell tests in nosework, taken on mantrailing with finesse, and her love for frisbee knows no bounds. Obedience training sessions with her are pure delight.
In her temperament, I haven't found a single flaw. Mithril adores people, perhaps a bit too much, and I believe she would make an exceptional therapy dog. Her communication skills are outstanding, often teaching my other dog, Moria. When faced with conflicts, like the unfortunate incident when she was attacked by an aggressive mixed breed, she stands her ground and handles the situation gracefully, without harm and even calming the aggressor. In uncertain situations, she seeks my support, knowing I’m there, but she also has a strong inclination to test her own abilities.
Ever since I first laid eyes on her, she has been my dream dog—confident, affectionate, and effortlessly motivated by food. Mithril is a constant source of joy and a cherished member of our family.

Mantrailing PL MT1 passed
Rally-O 1st class
Ob-Z passed (preparing to 1st class)